Smart shopping guide
Are you looking for the most suitable domain name? We have all the answers!
What is a domain name?
Let's start with the basics. The domain name is your internet address. It is the name by which your customers finds you.
A domain name consists of the second level part of the name and the top-level part.
How to choose the right domain name
What would be good to look out for
- Be close to your brand
- To sound good
- To be easy to remember
- To be simple and short
What you shouldn't do
- Avoid exact match domains (EMDs)
- No numbers if not necessary
- No hyphen
- Look for no corresponding trademark
How to choose the right suffix?
The second part of the domain name is the suffix (TLD). Usually you will find most Greek websites with .gr or .com. But there are many different options for your domain.
- Popular extensions (.gr, .com, .org, .eu, .net)
- Geographic extensions (.it,, .es, .barcelona, .asia)
- Thematic Extensions (.music, .marketing, .beer, .email, .design)
Pro tip: Don't get stuck on .gr or .com. Choose the extension that will make you stand out!
Subdomain: what it is and how it is used
The subdomain (SD) is a "prefix" that comes before the domain name (e.g. We use it to create separate sections on a site.
When to use a subdomain:
- Create a blog
- Create an online shop
- Create branches